Let's Get Knitting!

Currently Working On:

a crop jumper in the worst colour combinations I could manage though sadly good quality wool is all too often in tasteful colours, yuk

This page is going to be the hub for all of my knitting.

Here you shall find pictures of my latest projects, rambling complaints about wools I can't find, and updates on what I am / want to be working on.

In projects I will talk about what yarns I used but this is in no way a specific endorsement of anything. Like I will comment if I liked a wool but don't listen to me for advice I know nothing. And I'm not trying to advertise them, they're not paying me and I know my worth. It's about £9.90 an hour, apparently.

Here are my various project pages

Here is a cheeky picture of my wool stash so you can appreciate it's glorious mess. I do intend to tidy it up at some point, though I have other parts of my room at a higher priority. There is logic to it though. Top left is my nice wools. Bottom left is cheaper yarns. Top right are my needles and any other tools. Bottom right is...other things. See, simple.